Back in the early 19th Century, John Wanamaker famously observed that “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”
In an increasingly complex digital environment, making informed decisions about communication strategy and budget is more challenging than ever.
On what do you base your decisions in terms of spend on brand vs tactical, digital vs conventional media? How do you justify your exhibition and event programme?
Our mission is to provide advice in all these areas (and more) as a consultancy. We can also provide it on secondment or embedded in your organisation’s marketing department. If you
are just setting out, Red Campion can be your marketing department.
Having provided the research, planning and insight, Red Campion has the resources and the connections to provide the implementation, across advertising, design, PR and digital. We
may do that in-house (we like it that way) or we may go to specialists for specific skills.
Either way, you’ll be in good hands and your marketing communications will have every
chance of flowering.